
Jay Abraham’s Proven Pattern for Selling Effectively

Once you’ve positioned your product properly, it’s time to pattern interrupt your narrow targets. To do this effectively, you must speak to your prospects in their unique language so directly that they feel as if you’re talking directly to them.

Very little of what you have you say will land, and even if it does the memory retention of your prospect will fade quickly. You never get a second chance.

Creative entrepreneurs and startups alike don’t speak in terms that’s designed for prospects to understand, and therefore they miss the mark and lose the opportunity to draw a straight line from their products benefits to the needs of the prospect.

To ensure you have an effective sales pitch, simply follow Jay Abraham’s Proven Pattern for Selling Effectively:

  1. Get prospects attention. Interruption.
  2. Tell the prospect why they should be interested. Deliver the benefits, not the features. And do it in their language, not yours.
  3. Tell the prospect why they should believe. Don’t do this first, or you’ll fail. Fast forward this one by getting a massive authority figure to establish this mental trigger.
  4. Prove it’s true. Proof by numbers. Concrete and self-validating evidence.
  5. Itemize & describe all the benefits of your product and in the process draw a straight line to the prospects wants and needs. Create bullet points speaking to those known and desired outcomes.
  6. Tell the prospect what to do next. Spell it out in simple steps.
  7. Tell the prospect to act now. Introduce a time constraint and twist the knife.

These 7 simple steps can be further distilled down into the following:

Attention. Interest. Desire. Action.
